Monday, January 03, 2005

just do it?! so simple?

there was a saying... "if you think you should do it... u should" such a simple action... but required great courage... how many time have we wanted so much to do something.. but was hold back for whatever reasons... reasons which sometime don't even exist... imagined and conjured images of fear we foresee of doing it... the fear... the burden...the imaged.... human got such a powerful mind of constructing images of self sabotage... which lead to our own destruction... things we should have done; we didn't... things we thought of doing; we sat aside.... how i wish it would be easy as breathing... i myself are also figuring out... many time i am faced with required me to something... but would pull my hair in despairs... why we can't just follow our heart... why are there so much burden....burden we can't even explain....

all ends when you have learned....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

why so lost?? just for your will show you the way.

1:08 PM  

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